  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:插頭引線彎折試驗機(jī)

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:DL-7802B、C
  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:東菱
  • 產(chǎn)品文檔:
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本插頭引線彎折試驗機(jī)專門測試 AC / DC 插頭引出線及電線之耐折強(qiáng)度。試是將試樣固定在夾具上加一定荷重及彎曲一定次數(shù)后檢視其斷線率。

插頭引線彎折試驗機(jī)專門測試 AC / DC 插頭引出線及電線之耐折強(qiáng)度。試是將試樣固定在夾具上加一定荷重及彎曲一定次數(shù)后檢視其斷線率。
This tester is specialized in testing the flexing endurance between power cord and blades
,and is capable of testing the flexibility resistance of the cord itself。Samples are to be secured in the jaws of the flexing apparatusand cord is to hang vertically with the weight tied on the lower end of it。The rotating jaws are to be adjusted to rotate to the angle of 90 degree to each side of the centered position。After a certain cycles is reached or until specimen is broken,detect the breakage ratio or calcuate the total cycles。This machine is able to auto-count and auto-stop during specimen broken。
 試料數(shù)量 Specimen Volume
  1 組(或 6 組)
 擺動角度 Flexing angles
   左右各 180º(或任意角度)連續(xù)設(shè)定,兩方向可以不對
稱,數(shù)字鍵盤設(shè)定數(shù)值,精度:0.1 度
 擺動速度 Flexing speed
  10 ~ 60c.p.m 可調(diào)節(jié),數(shù)字鍵盤設(shè)定
 自動計數(shù)器 Auto - counter
 荷重 Load
  50g、100g200g、300g、500g 1 個
 控制系統(tǒng) Control
 負(fù)載電壓 Load Voltage
  0 ~ 280V 連續(xù)可調(diào)
 負(fù)載電流 Load Current
  0 ~ 30A 連續(xù)可調(diào)
 其它功能 Other function
  所有數(shù)據(jù)為 16 x 2 LCD(帶背光源)數(shù)字顯示,具有斷線
 電源          Power
  AC220V / 50Hz